Sunday, April 6, 2008

New Video

I sent out mail on Niteflirt to all you faithful. In it is a video of me jacking off over the camera, as if you were underneath me. It's very hot and there's a cumshot for you to drool and go crosseyed over. Here's a button for the dumb ones who get confused:

Right now my love JessieKitty and I are watching our stupid closeted neighbors act all homoerotic about their Chevy Suburbans together hahaha! They come to America, (they're such GENIUSES), buy these nice expensive trucks with the rims and the stereos, subwoofers, the whole nine yards, they have MATCHING front license plate covers, they even PARK the same way. If one is backed in, the other will turn his truck around. They live together WITH their wives and babies in a dumpy trashed one bedroom apartment that is barely big enough for one childless couple to live in. Yea, they're really bright. They sit out there and hang out in one or the other's truck for hours, probably smoking crack and rubbing each other off. What a couple of winners let me tell you. I bet you can't guess what country they're from haha! It's a country of geniuses who pick strawberries and spread manure!

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