Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Funny Niteflirt story

About 5 years ago, while I was still living in Duluth,MN, I used to have this regular caller who was quite entertaining. Not only was he Canadian, but Torontonian, which made humiliating him SO much more invigorating. (I'm from Buffalo, so you hockey fans get it, LEAFS SUCK!) Anyway, he liked to dress up like a nerd, flood pants, broken glasses, pocket protector, the whole nine yards. And I would describe scenarios to him where I was a bully beating on him, or robbing him in the street, stuff like that. But my most favorite scenario was the one where I was the pizza delivery guy. I would show up at his door, with a couple slices already missing. Then I would barge my way in, make him pay me for the pizza, and then eat the rest of it leaving him only a few crusts! Hahaha! And the kicker was that it made the little twerp CUM! And he would say, "You made me cum in my nerd pants." Hahahaha! Keep it up pervs, keep throwing yourselves and your money at my feet. I love giving you the business.

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